

Saturday 4 February 2012

♥ Dear Rihanna Haters ♥

Dear , Rihanna haters :

1.23 years old: 6 albums, won 180 awards, sexiest woman alive, flawless voice, best selling digital artist and on! she's talented, how can u hate her? ♥
2.Do not say that you are a Rihanna haters. because you are not as pretty as Rihanna, you are also not as cool as Rihanna! Close Your Mouth !Rihanna is Amazing!
3.Hi Rihanna haters... Rihanna has fans, you dont. Rihanna has fame, you dont. Rihanna is popular, You're not. Your opinion is irrelevant..
4.maybe 10.000 people hate Rihanna . BUT 50,793,273 PEOPLE LOVE RIHANNA !
5.Hi Rihanna Haters.. i don't care if you hate rihanna , because rihanna is the best for me and RihannaNavy 

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